Do you ever yearn for those days when you could play dress up, all for the fun of it? Enter Magda Butrym. On founding her eponymous label in 2014, the Polish designer forged her own world of fashion, where "just because" is as valid a reason for enrobing as any soiree or special occasion. Almost instantly, a flock of like-minded influencers and fans came bearing plaudits, and the rest is history.

Browse our picks of Magda Butrym clothing, and you'll soon count yourself among her admirers. This is everyday gear taken to sartorial extremes. A pair of shorts might set leather against fabric in an expression of streetwise opulence. Dresses disrupt the LBD trope with cut-outs or blingy embellishments. Shoes-wise, expect towering heels and lively prints. Even T-shirts sport padded shoulders, so you can power dress on your days off.

As for styling, the MB method is all about expressing yourself with strength and confidence, so we advise you to experiment. A couple of ideas to get you started: why not pair an oversized Magda Butrym blazer with a flowing, loose-knit skirt? Or try adding an experimental touch to your cool-weather garb with a wool-blend jumper. Whatever you choose to wear, you're sure to have fun wearing it.

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