Men's Tom Ford Travel Size colognes & Perfume

Audacious, original and provocative, Tom Ford fragrances capture the iconic qualities of the namesake American luxury designer. Explore our curation of wish-list-worthy Tom Ford travel-size colognes, colognes and more. 

Thomas Carlyle Ford (known as Tom Ford) studied architecture in Paris before pivoting into his true calling: fashion and beauty. Throughout his career, he's been known for sensual glamour and meticulous design – so naturally, Tom Ford perfumes are no different. Launched in 2006 with the now-iconic Black Orchid scent, the internationally celebrated line of fragrances hones in on alluring blends of sought-after ingredients. Expect depths of woody vetiver and oud, for instance, alongside heart notes of spices and fruits. It's no wonder that the luxury aromas have earned a cult following across the globe. 

Experiment with Tom Ford travel sprays and mini colognes to find your new personal fragrance or stock up on your favourites. These bag-friendly sizes are ideal for carrying with you and spritzing when you're on the go. Simply slip your miniature vial into your pocket or even your wallet, so you're ready to top-up wherever you are. In the colder months, add brightness to your everyday get-up with the scents of Italy's scenic Amalfi Coast – think warm citrus notes, night-blooming flowers and mint.

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